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Extreme education

Extreme education

This flyer, advertising learning communities, was designed in Adobe Photoshop. The companion banner, created for a table at a student recruitment event, involved fabric dye, handmade stencils, white spray paint, and blue acrylic paint. The wonderful font featured on...
Alternate reality game pilot

Alternate reality game pilot

This logo for a fictional university is one of several visual elements I created for an alternate reality game pilot. The game, which featured a college facing an inland hurricane, was designed for students in a public relations/communications program, where the...
Maslow’s Faire

Maslow’s Faire

This Ferris wheel illustrates the journey that takes students from jeans to graduation robes. The graphic, developed during a session at Evergreen College’s National Summer Institute on Learning Communities, was conceived and executed in under two hours on a...
Second Life administration

Second Life administration

One school I worked for began a Second Life project shortly after I joined the staff . . . Since I had previous experience, I was tapped to be the island administrator.  As administrator, I was responsible for locating and purchasing buildings, plants, furniture, and...
Report cover

Report cover

In 2009, I designed a report my institution authored for a prestigious Beltway consulting firm. The professional appearance of the report was praised by our administration and by the client.