This project, designed to familiarize International Studies students with situations they may encounter while traveling abroad, was developed in Storyline 2.0.
Storyline scenario engine
My favorite project from my Texas A&M days is this challenging create-a-scenario engine, created with Storyline 2 and JavaScript.
Virtual lecture: Islamic landscapes
Closed captions proved to be a challenge in this online lecture for a Landscape Architecture.
AutoHotKey macros for Storyline and PowerPoint
Align objects and change stack order in Storyline and PowerPoint using your number keypad.
Automating closed captions
Watch my Mac read a spreadsheet, and my PC enter the numbers into Storyline!
ClipMate, closed captions, and Storyline
See how I used ClipMate to help relieve some of the drudgery involved in creating closed captions in Storyline.