This flyer, advertising learning communities, was designed in Adobe Photoshop.
YouTube/Adobe Express design
These Adobe Express thumbnails helped ensure a consistent visual identity across product lines.
These Adobe Express thumbnails helped ensure a consistent visual identity across product lines.
I miss my colorful, high-impact vita.
These identity graphics demonstrate creativity and strong design skills.
This flyer, advertising learning communities, was designed in Adobe Photoshop.
This “engagement quilt” shows how members of an educational community contribute to student success.
This futuristic logo with high-tech flames embodied the spirit and mission of the department.
I designed these advertisements for video game classes using actual game boxes. The ads were successful, if by “successful” you mean students stole the ads off the walls.
This Ferris wheel illustrates the journey that takes students from jeans to graduation robes.
Logo design is always challenging, it’s tough to reduce an entire team (or company) into a visual.
This flyer, promoting a session on clickers, is an example of too-good design.