Category: Personal Projects

  • Getting It Right

    Getting It Right

    Good studio day. Every pour I made is beautiful.  I’m trying to decide what made the difference.  Technique is certainly part of it.  Today I mainly did dirty cup pours on a canvas loaded with either black or white paint. I made sure to run the cup around the canvas to get the edges covered properly, and I engaged in a good bit of tilting to get the majority of the black or white paint to run off, leaving the color behind.  In a few cases I added extra paint, but I only had to do this on a few canvases.

    I think the last two, where I used up all the leftover paint, are the most successful.


    The second-to-last painting of the day, made with leftover paint.
  • Wearable electronics

    Wearable electronics

    Hobbyist electronics, including technologies or concepts like makerspaces, 3D printing, or Arduino prototype boards, are quickly finding their way into the classroom. This personal project is my first step into a new playground.

  • Planners


    While I’ve more than successfully transitioned from paper books to ebooks, I haven’t been as enthusiastic about giving up paper calendars and to-do lists. Paper lets me create attractive planner pages that I can customize to fit my life. Apps can’t do that.


  • Party invitation

    Party invitation

    This party invitation was created in about three hours using clipart. It’s a working cootie catcher — you can print a copy and fold it up yourself, the YouTube video at the bottom of the page shows how.

    Party invitation, designed with clip art, that folds into a cootie catcher.

  • Editing


    In the documentary Beautiful Losers, Aaron Rose made a statement that inspired me.


  • Pysanky


    In my spare time, I practice egg art.


  • I’ll get you yet, and your little dog too!

    I’ll get you yet, and your little dog too!

    Silly video snippet I sometimes use as a sample for training classes, or for testing.
