Kanban boards

I catalyzed a digital transformation within our team by introducing and implementing Kanban Tool, revolutionizing our approach to project management and prioritization. By leading the training efforts and establishing a clear Kanban structure—featuring a director-managed overview board and individual project-level boards—I enabled unprecedented alignment and collaboration between our US and Philippines teams. This strategic implementation significantly reduced friction and enhanced overall productivity. As our projects evolved in complexity, the checklist feature within Kanban Tool proved invaluable, guaranteeing meticulous attention to detail and maintaining high standards of quality across all deliverables.

A Kanban board with columns for the backlog, assigned, working, and done. Swimlanes for Next Release (Priority 1) and other priorities form the rows. Various cards are scattered across the board.
Our main Kanban helped everyone stay abreast of prioritization changes and project statuses. The thin gray diagonal stripes, for example, indicated a stalled project, while the larger colored diagonals indicated someone was working on the project at that time.
A Kanban board with a decorative robotic background.
My personal Kanban board shows my tasks, which didn’t follow the project-based workflows of my teammates.

The team agreed Kanban boards helped us stay organized. Since everyone liked them. I experimented with variations, including this Microsoft Forms Bug Report that created cards on a Kanban view in Microsoft Lists.

A Bug Report designed in Microsoft Forms with questions like "What macro/technology is causing problems?" and "What lesson(s) are affected?"
This Bug Report form populated another Kanban.
A Kanban view of a Microsoft List, which cards in various states of completion.
The Bug Report form added new cards to this Microsoft List Kanban view, which my co-workers could see in Teams.