Conference journal prototype

The Lily Conference encouraged participants to start their experience with a Minute Paper. My student assistant, Manasa Hegde, added a stopwatch illustration.
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]For this prototype, I combined a typical conference program with “bullet journaling” — a new spin on the classic hand-written daily planner.

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Post-training support

This post-training website featured Flash animations to remind faculty of interface features in the LMS.

Since I’m an experienced face-to-face trainer, I was tapped to develop content for the face-to-face training sessions when the University upgraded its in-house LMS.  This web page, which includes a few simple Flash objects, is one example of the post-training support I made available to trainees. 

Post to Twitter using IFTTT and GMail

Screen shot of the IFTTT recipe to connect Twitter to GMail.

This short tutorial was inspired by a professor with a new cell phone who wanted an easy way to share articles with students using his Blackboard class.  The first part, shown here, describes how to post to Twitter using Gmail using IFTTT.  The second part, which is unfortunately not available, teaches how to set up a Twitter feed in Blackboard.

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