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Egg Gallery (Unfinished)
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This pale blue egg was an attempt at working with traditional fabric resists and thickened Dy-Na-Flow.
I also added some wax dots to better compare gutta and wax.
Then I dyed the egg yellow. The gutta held up better than expected, but the Dy-Na-Flow was a bust.
This sad little egg was originally somehow dyed orange, yellow and blue, possibly in a tie-dye frame. The egg was waxed, and dyed brown. At some point it looks like I used a purple fabric marker to try to make a layered design.
This egg came out of a Dudley tie-dye frame looking almost exactly like this. The blue band at the bottom came from the not-so-clean egg stand I used to dry the egg. Sometimes art is knowing when to stop.
Fuschia egg with wax pattern.
Egg dyed blue and stained with purple VersaTex; wax removed.
This egg went through multiple red dye baths, with a coat of wax applied between each bath at each end of the egg to create the layers. Afterwards the wax was removed with a heat source and the egg cleaned with Goo Gone to remove any lingering traces of wax. A new pattern was applied.
Dyed pink, 1st set of vertical lines waxed on. Dye removed. Second set of vertical lines created with blue fabric marker. Egg dyed purple, last pattern waxed.
Wax removed.
Very crude Rose of Sharon created with yellow, red, and orange dye. Wax removed. More wax applied, and dye removed.
Blue fabric marker applied to yellow egg and waxed.
Egg dyed orange.
Additional wax applied and egg dyed aubergine.
Wax removed.
Pattern waxed on a white egg, then dyed pale blue.
Egg placed in PAAS tie-dye frame.
Wax removed.
Pale blue egg waxed, then dyed green.
Egg dyed black and wax removed.
I drew dancing stick figures on this egg with wax, then coated it with German egg “dye” that turned out to be pearlescent acrylic paint. The resulting color didn’t please me, so I dyed the egg scarlet. One little patch came out brighter than the rest of the egg — that’s it in the picture. It isn’t glare at all!
This egg went for a trip in the Dudley Egg Spinner. Afterwards I waxed a design on it with acrylic paint.
I dyed this egg pink and waxed on several dots, then dyed the egg red and added wax lines. Next I dyed it brown, then removed the wax.
Graffiti marker over tissue dye
Adirondack Alcohol Inks
Dudley egg spinner with Easter Egg dyes. Lines painted with VersaTex.
Egg dyed yellow. Blue fabric marker design applied. Egg waxed and dyed red.
More images
Wax removed.
Dudley egg spinner with sticky dyes, then painted with acrylic paint.
Egg 1/3 floated in green dye, then waxed, then floated in red dye, then waxed, and lastly dyed orange.
Top if egg covered in wax, then half floated in red dye, then waxed, then dyed purple.
Graffiti marker on white egg
Yellow dye.
Magenta egg with wax.
Adirondack alcohol inks.
Adirondack alcohol inks
Adirondack alcohol inks
Orange egg dyed with Spectra Art Tissue
Orange dye with Tee Juice markers.
White egg with Tee Juice markers.
Sharpies and rubbing alcohol
Adirondack alcohol inks
Adirondack alcohol inks
Adirondack alcohol inks
Marvy Graffiti markers
Yellow egg and blue fabric marker
Spectra art tissue
Spectra art tissue
Dyed with Spectra Art Tissue
Dyed with Spectra Art Tissue.
Dyed with Spectra Art Tissue.
Spectra art tissue
Attempts to rubber stamp with melted wax on blue egg.
Lavender egg waxed, then dyed with Spectra Art Tissue
Attempts to rubber-stamp with melted wax.
I removed the wax from the failed rubber stamp attempt using Goo Gone. (Not sure it’s all really gone, but I can’t see any!) I’m sailing out of my comfort zone on this egg. I’ve subdivided it using Mark E Malachowski’s technique as shown in his
YouTube video
. It’s a very formal, predetermined approach; quite unlike my usual slapdash adventures.
White dots and vinyl stickers applied to white egg. Egg dyed green, wax removed.
This poor egg!! I tried dyeing it yellow. Now I’ve decided to concentrate on the bottom half for a while, then I’ll spray the top half with Fantastic and start over. I drew lines in the yellow-green color with a black candle deco pen, and next I’ll make the exposed areas on that half darker green.
I went with Tee Juice markers for the darker green, mostly so I could quickly move on to the next stage. I like how the edge underneath the feet turned out.
And tragedy strikes. I decided to remove the candle deco pen before covering the bottom half in wax. I stupidly decided to scrape off the wax, which is really, really dumb. I did it anyway, and the egg broke under the pressure of scraping.
Blue egg, completely covered with thin layer of wax. It looks like the bottom was hit with a neon Blo Pen Blaster. I must have had a plan for this, but I can’t remember what it was!
I dyed the egg dark blue. The top 2/3s are still covered with wax.
Wax removed. Little visible change.
I waxed on a new pattern.
Paler-colored egg striped with blue painter’s tape and then dyed dark brown. I’ve removed the freaking tape about a million times to check the color, and I still can’t remember what the original dye bath was. I’m not removing it again just to write a caption.
Smeared Tee Juice marker on white egg.
Pink egg with wax, dyed purple.
Smeared Tee Juice marker on white egg.
Another failed attempt to rubber stamp with melted wax.
Yellowish egg waxed and dyed red.
Blue egg with painter’s tape decals. Openings in decals protected with Candle Deco, and wax removed.
Dark blue egg dyed with black Spectra Art Tissue.
Yellow egg waxed, and hot with neon pink Blo Pen Blaster
I dyed this egg orange, waxed on a design, then dyed the egg gray and removed the wax. I wasn’t happy with it, so I waxed it again. I don’t remember what I intended to do next. Black, maybe?
Egg with yellow fabric crayon dyed blue, then waxed.
Egg covered in pieces of wet paper towel saturated with household food coloring.
Egg covered in pieces of wet paper towel saturated in household food coloring.
Pink egg with dye.
Signs Your Evening Sucks. Green egg, probably Easter egg dying crystals in a puppy training pad, and Marvy Deco pen.
Peach egg waxed and dyed dark, dark green. Wax removed.
Vinyl stickers applied over a previously-waxed (unhappy) pattern and dyed red.
Stickers removed, embossing powder added. Varnished. When varnish yellowed I attempted to save with acetone, and broke the weak, wet eggshell in the process.
Plain green egg.
Rubber-stamped with an original stamp in dark blue.
The same stamp, but now in magenta.
A light blue egg with a few lines waxed on, then dyed dark blue. I also added a few yellow patches using ColorBox Chalk rubber stamp ink. (Patches not shown.)
This is an attempt at traditional pysanky. It isn’t horrible, but it isn’t all that great, either.
My giant thumb caused the light spot.
New wax pattern over the old design.
Tim Holtz alcohol ink. Image taken under incandescent lights, late at night.
Original rubber stamp with dark green dye ink. I hope this sets!! Right now it’s very prone to smearing.
Spectra art tissue.
WOW! stamped on with dark blue dye ink.
Original rubber stamp with blue dye ink.
Green patches added with ColorBox Chalk rubber stamp ink.
Originally dyed dark red and waxed, then dyed orange. Wax removed. For some oddball reason I decided to add a tiny spiral decal made with painter’s tape at some stage. Now what?
Dyed in a scrap of silk from a man’s tie.
Spectra art tissue on a white egg
My sister colored this egg with Sharpie marker. We used rubbing alcohol in a mostly unsuccessful attempt to make the colors bleed.
I waxed a new pattern on the egg.
Another look at the wax pattern.
I dyed the egg dark brown.
And finally I removed the wax.
Another view.
I rubber-stamped a white egg with a pink paint or ink (can’t remember what I used!) then added a heart decal made with painter’s tape and dyed the egg a darker red. This is the result after removing the decal.
Another view.
Next I waxed a pattern on the egg.
The reverse side, with the new pattern.
Dyed black (OK, more of an eggplant) and wax removed.
Another view.